How to reset the Multiselect V19 template

I am using the multiselect V19 template, and I don’t see how to reset the template from a button using javascript.

For example, I have a multiselect widget:

<select name="teacher_id" id="homerooms" data-placeholder="any homeroom" class="form-control chosen-select" multiple>
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="13">Avaras</option>
   .... and many more options

I have this in my javascript reset function tied to a button on the page:

function reset_form(){
 ....reset other controls

But the multiselect widget v19 does not reset (remove all the values selected), whereas other multi and single select widgets are reset.

How can I reset the multiselect widget v19 from a button using javascript?


Hi there

Sorry, but this will require a customization of the template is this feature is not added in
