Internet Explorer >9 fix

I know, I know.

I now found out that it does not look good with IE 8 or less.

wondering if there was a plug in or css fix you had in your pocket already.

I know we run into this often, and I tell them to update, but some are not able too.

this is for the UNITE theme.



I am aware of this issue. I already figured out how to fix slider issues but still haven’t got around header Menu. Hopefully will fix all these issues in the next theme version.

Have you find anything else beside problems with menu and slider?

well. sort of, not really a bug or anything, but I wanted the top level menu item to be clickable.

in example …


  • red
  • white
  • blush

wines would go to the wine page
red, white, and blush would go to an anchor on the wines page.

I know you mentioned this here,

but how do i make the navwalker.php in the unite-child work so i don’t have to reapply the code when you update it again?

It appears that it was your email that permitted you from posting on forum.

I found problem with menu in IE8, and will fix it in the next theme update.

For top menu:

Currently I have no idea how it can be done, but I will try to look it into it over the weekend and will let you know if I will find anything useful.

i’ve put it into the main child folder, nothing, then created an ‘inc’ directory, like the main theme, but doesn’t work.

You already have figured out how to solve it but don’t know how to setup it via Child Theme, am I right?

Hi Aigars,

The last update of the Unite theme was 11. of august? My Unite Theme site still doesn’t look fine with IE8.

This are the details of the failure in IE 8 (don’t understand but maybe you do) Can i change something in css or else?

Foutdetails webpagina

Gebruikersagent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; BTRS103633; GTB7.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; BRI/2)
Tijdstempel: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:40:45 UTC

Bericht: Functie wordt verwacht
Regel: 1
Teken: 1
Code: 0

Thanks for answering!

Petra Bakker

Hi Frd

I am using your wordpress Dazzling Theme is very nice to customize but only one error . it is menu not working IE8 . display the mobile menu . please help me…

Thank you.

My screen shot is here