jumbotron image realign on mobile

How do you realign the Jumbotron background image on the mobile screen - it looks great on the PC screen but rubbish on my mobile?


Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:

In order to check your question i need to see your live website, please provide url and i will take a look

Here’s the website url

Hello Chris

Can you tell me a little bit more about your problem?
image is normally visible for me on the mobile devices, one thig that can be changed from the image setting is that you can set it to center - center for the vertical and horizontal dimension

Center would be good as currently on the mobile screen, the white text is illegible against the image as it is currently positioned.

I think centring it would work.

Good morning Chris

So, is everything ok now? have you tried to switch on center style?

Just centered it - much improved. Thanks for your help.


Yes, better now :slight_smile:

Thank you too and have a nice day, I will close this ticket now