Jumbotron Slider

Hello @colorlibsupport,
How can I install the Slider into the Jumbotron header image? I just downloaded the slider plugin.
Thank you


As far as my knowledge you cannot add a slider via the Customizer > Jumbotron.

The way forward would be to change the core files (sections > front-page-bottom-header.php) and replace the current header image with the slider shortcode.

I hope this will get you forward with the setup.


Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately I just didnot find the right code/line with the img source.
Could you maybe give me an advice where to find it exactly.
Thank you again in advance


Sorry for the confusion, the header image is located in the theme root folder, header.php at line 26 where the image is set as the background.


I am so sorry, I’m just really not sure about the change I need to make. Did I find the right code?

<header id=“header” class="<?php if( is_front_page() ): echo ‘header-front-page’; else: echo ‘header-blog’; endif; ?>" style=“background-image: url(’<?php if( is_front_page() ): echo ( ( $jumbotron_general_image ) ? esc_url( $jumbotron_general_image ) : ‘’ ); else: echo esc_url( get_header_image() ); endif; ?>’);”>

My slideshow code would be [huge_it_slider id=“2”].
Where exactly should I place it?

Thank you a lot!

Hello @rirock,

Try to replace that exact syntax with this:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[huge_it_slider id=”2″]'); ?>

Might do the trick, but the way forward is trial and error and see if you can display the slider first.
