"Latest News Section" Button doesn't link anywhere

I want to put a link in the “Latest News Section”, but the only option seems to be to add text to a button, but no possibility to add the link. Where do I stick the url for this?

Hey there,
I hope you’re doing well today

Unfortunatly you can’t add additional elements to the "Latest News Section"only edit them.
The button is coded do default WordPress function.

Without editing code you can edit the text section with a link. Here’s an example of how you can add links to that section.

See Screencast:

Best Regards,

I don’t quite understand what you mean by “the button is coded to do default WordPress function”?

You mean that the button is designed to look like a button but will never link to anywhere? Somehow this makes no sense…please tell me if I have misunderstood something.


Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

In order to add a link to this section you would have to add it to the “Entry” area. When you add content there it will bring up an editor that has an option to add links called “link” in the menu there.

Best Regards,