Lawful Theme | Browser Compatibilities Safari Issue

Hey Folks!
Thanks for your work and the nice selection of diverse templates. Unfortunately i experienced some issues with the bought and licensed theme “Lawful”. In Safari the whole website does not perform very well and every single content on the site is forced to be in one coloumn. Even in the Preview, when you visit the site with Safari, the whole website looks damaged. Cann you help to fix the issues?

best regards,

Good evening Kreativo

CAn you show me a screenshot of the problem? are you checking our demo or this is your installation on your server?

Thanks for your support. Here’s a screenshot from the website. I just edit the HTML & CSS files and uploaded the whole file structure on our FTP Server where the domain belongs.
You can visit the project site under:

The issues appear only in the safari browser. C Safari Version 8.0.2 (10600.2.5). The whole Grid is not working there and the navigation in the Main Menu disappears. This happens also on your Demo Site:

Template: Lawful
By the way; you linked the wrong template for the demo preview under:

If you click there on “Preview” you get to a wrong template called “Lawyer”

Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

best regards,

can you see the issues?

best regards,

Good evening Axel

Yes I see them on the screenshot but unfortunately can’t replicate them on my side, i tried it before and tried again but unfortunately, it stays same for me :frowning: