Layerslider in combination with Dazzling WordPress theme

Hi I am a newbe to the Dazzling theme and can not get my layerslider to work.
I have gone to theme options.
Ticked enable slider
under that it has Slider Category
I click on that but its blank is that my Problem ?
If so how do I fix it.
or is it something else lol.
It has this error on home page [LayerSliderWP] Invalid shortcode
Also my welcome post is above the layerslider is there away to have it below the slider

Help Please Blazing8 :slight_smile:

LayerSlider is not part of Dazzling theme and you have installed it separately or already had it installed prior you switched to this theme.

Slider that you can enable via Theme Options is a Flexslider which is completely different thing and it your case should be kept disabled.

For Layer Slider itself error is self explanatory and you are using a wrong ID for it. Depending on Layer Slider version there are different shortcodes. Make sure to check documentation on place on which you downloaded this plugin to understand more how it works.