Login-register in the navigation menu

  1. The simplest method would be to create a new menu items called “login” and “sign up” and point them to the right login and registration forms.
    Then style these two buttons to make them different from the rest as you can target your menu items based on their ID. You can inspect your website source to find the right IDs.

Here would be an example from our Theme demo that would style “Contact Us” menu item.

li#menu-item-1042 {
  background: red;
  float: right;
  border-radius: 10px;

This code would bring menu item to the right and make it read with rounded corners. But you can go all creative and make other changes. Like I already mentioned, this code is based on specific ID and it won’t do anything unless modified to work for your website.

  1. It is doable but it is out of scope of free support. You can hire someone on oDesk, Freelancer.com or other freelancer website to do this job for you.
    Alternatively you might try to implement search inside header right below social media icons. For that you can follow this tutorial.