Logo distorced after upgrade af theme

Hi my name’s Laura.
This morning after the upgrade of the theme SHAPELY, I had a serious problem with the dimension of the logo in the header.

I try this CSS :
@media(max-width: 550px){
.logo {
height: 50px!important;
width: auto!Important;

and I resolve the mobile visualization. But I don’t resolve the other!
I try to use other css that I found in the forum but I don’t resolve nothing.


Can you please create us an user to check it out because you have Coming Soon page. Please mark the reply as private.

Thank you.

psw: Abaperte!

is admin account


Can you tell me if it’s ok now ? Also in the last update we improved the logo and now from Customizer you can select what size you want for the logo.

Have a nice day,

Dear George,
The logo retains the same size but as if it were stretched.
I attach the original logo


I’m having the same problem. Have you found a way to fix this issue?


Hi @lauressa,

I changed the logo size in the Customizer http://take.ms/l7aFU and now the logo is big, can you confirm this?

Hi @kzimir, can you show us a link to the webpage?

Let us know,


Good morning!
Now it’s fine but the menu items disappeared.


Hello there,

The menu seems to be working once you click on the mobile icon. It the menu icon working or would you like to change that?

Best Regards,

I want that the items appear in the header like the demo template. Before the updating I saw the items…after disappear…


Hello there,

Thanks for clarifying.

Please use the following CSS code to fix the media query used for the menu by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Mobile menu media query*/
@media (min-width: 500px)
.mobile-menu .nav-bar, .nav-bar .module-group, .mobile-menu .nav-bar .module, .mobile-menu .nav-bar .module:not( .site-title-container ) {
    height: auto;

Best Regards,

Good morning,
I try to paste this code but nothing change…


You meant you want the mobile hamburger menu style in the Desktop too? If so, go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Main Options -> Mobile Menu on Desktop , turn the settings ON. For reference a screenshot: http://take.ms/V8Cbt

If not, can you explain what exactly you’re trying to create?

Let us know,


Thanks a lot!

Hello there,

I am glad the solution worked for you.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.

Best Regards,