Looking to create a landing page in Shapely

Forgive my newb question, but I am looking to simulate a landing page type effect on my Shapely themed site. I have a need to create numerous landing pages for specific fundraising campaigns and need to strip out all of the typical menu’s footers etc of our normal pages.

I am not able to see how this is accomplished even through the theme states it is suited for such.

Again any assistance would be appreciated. I am not a web designer and just trying to help our school booster club with these activities.

Hi Tjabaut

Well, my suggestion is to first try how the theme is working and how it can be used, starting with the demo content is the best and fastest way to start. This theme has built-in widgets that can be utilized on the frontpage only from the Appearance > customize > widgets,
Please also check our documentation Shapely Theme Documentation - Colorlib