Menu bar on mobile not working

The hamburger menu bar on the mobile version of my site ( isn’t working at all. The menu is fine on the desktop site. I have disabled every active plugin one by one and checked the site it hasn’t made any difference. The three bars show but don’t work. Please can you advise?

Could someone take a look at this post please?

Hi there

Is this website migrated? I see some JS errors in the console, basically, it should not work right now,
can you please also disable caching from autoptimize?

I’m a learner, but to the best of my knowledge it isn’t migrated. It was belt in wordpress on the illdy theme.
I don’t know what JS errors in a consoile means, but glad you’ve spotted something!
I’m afraid I can’t see how to disable caching from autoptimize. There is no option to do that. It says that I have 30 files in the cache, totalling 700.77 KB, which doesn’t sound like a lot. I can turn the plugin off if that will help.

hey there

Ok, please install this plugin first:

and then try this solution: How to fix Access-Control-Allow-Origin (CORS origin) Issue for your HTTPS enabled WordPress Site and MaxCDN • Crunchify

You have cors policy error that can be fixed by the above solution

Let me know results

Hooray - that’s worked. Thanks a lot. I would never have sussed that out! Many thanks.

OK I celebrated too early. It now doesn’t work again. I found to htaccess files - both were in an area called wp-staging. I updated one and it worked - hence the celebration above. This evening I checked and it doesn’t work. I added the code you suggested to the other htaccess I found and this has made no difference. Since doing the first change and this evening the web site has been backed up on godaddy, which may have caused an issue?


Ok, please leave that plugin activated and deactivate all your third party plugins, especially the Nextgen plugin and caching plugin, right now they are raising some errors in the console

Thanks. All plugins are now deactivated except for the illdy companion one, which I assume should stay active. Thanks.

I am having the same problem and I installed the plug in you mentioned, disabled a couple of plugins but still the same problem,
The hamburger menu is no longer working in cell phones…
I would disabled more plugins but then I will break few pages which are using them (event plugin, popup etc),

Hey there

Please check my reply here: Anchors problem on Illdy theme - #9 by colorlibsupport

@udedomenico pease dont duplicate your replies in other tickets, that makes them even more complicate :slight_smile:

Sorry! :slight_smile:

Hi. What do you mean by “as a temporary solution you may downgrade it before we release new update of the theme.” And should I now reactivate my plugins?


I mean downgrading WordPress core, to the version where anchors worked normally

Hi. When will you be releasing a version of ildy that doesn’t cause the problems with the mobile menu bar please?


Sorry, but yet I don’t have any eta :frowning: