Menu Icon does not appear in mobile size

Hey there! I have been working with Shapely for the last days, customizing my site.

I already have to thank you guys for all the threads in this forum which helped me a lot. It’s my first time working with Wordpress and I am learning a lot.

However, I just realized my page is not displaying the three-bar icon when sized to mobile version. I guess I probably messed up some CSS, but I was not abe to find the reason why. The button is still there and works if you click it, but totally invisible.

How should I fix this?

My page is

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to return the burger menu by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Burger menu*/
.module.widget-handle i {
    display: inline-block;

Best Regards,


Thanks for the answer. However, the menu in the “Customize” section is not showing any “Additional CSS” in my site.
Is this a Jetpack feature? I didn’t install it since I have been using WP 4.6.6

Is there any way to solve the burger menu issue directly at style.css?

I guess that I should both update Wordpress and Jetpack in any case.

Thanks again!

Update: I followed my own suggestion. Installing Jetpack and updating Wordpress was of course the way to go. Sorry for such an obvious question!

I was able to paste the custom CSS provided in the first reply, it worked instantly. Thanks fot the support! Marking the thread as resolved.