More-Link not visible

Since the last update, the more-links are no longer visible. Look here: What can I do?

Schau mal in die Anpassen Einstellungen unter Design, da kann man dies extra (de-)aktivieren.

Okay, das war es. Ich musste dort einmal die “post excerpts” deaktivieren und dann wieder aktivieren, dann war wieder alles beim Alten. Danke für den Hinweis! :slight_smile:

Moment. :frowning:

Das sind ja nur die Auszüge. Die nutze ich so nicht. Ich will ja mittels MORE-Tag festlegen, bis wohin der Auszug gezeigt wird und dann soll der Weiterlesen-Knopf kommen. Und das klappt nicht.

Hi @schrottie,

I hope you are well today and thanks for posting here.

I can see the more-links are visible on your site as shown in the attached screenshot.

Please write in English so that i and others can understand it.

Best Regards,

Hi Movin.
I am having the same problem immediately after the last update.
Here is my site
Any solution will be of importance to me.


Hi Movin,
I am also having the same problem but, no response yet to my support request.


Hi Movin,

now you can see the more links, because I have activated the excerpts at my starting page. I Set it back for you, so you can see that there are no more-links, if I only use the more-Tag.

Thanks Schrottie,

After your comment, I was able to get mine back too.

For the others that are having the same problem,

go to: Appearance > Customize > Sparkling Options > Content Options > Check the show post excerpts.

In my case, I already had that checked but, I unchecked it and then checked it again then hit save, and it worked.

The excerpts are not the solution. I want to use the MORE-Tag to set the Point for a more-link. See at my blog, alls articles shown at the homepage are longer as you see (at this time, you must klick the headline. The excerpt is too short.

Up to the last update, the MORE-tag has triggered the same more-link like the “show post excerpts” function.

Hi There,

As requested by theme users we have made the changes in the latest version of the theme to display “Read More” button only when the theme option “Show post excerpts?” is checked on the following path as shown in the attached screenshot.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Sparkling Options -> Content Options

If you want to display the Read More button on the site when the full post is displayed then you can try achieving this by using the attached custom child theme of Sparkling theme that contains some custom code.

Best Regards,

Cool, to install the child theme has solved the problem. Thx!

You are most welcome here :slight_smile:

I have the same problem. But when I uncheck and then re-check the “show excerpts” box it smashes the formatting of my excerpts.

Before they looked like this (pic1) but when I check it now they get squished (pic2).

How can I prevent this? I haven’t changed any post formatting, the read more tag is still in the same place it was before.

Did you have installed the child-thme, posted/attached by movin in reply #49547? This child theme can solve this problem.

Works! Thanks!

Glad to hear that it also worked for you :slight_smile:

Hi Movin,
I’m having the same issue. I think that installing the child theme will solve my problem, but I already have a child theme with custom code installed and I don’t want to overwrite my existing modifications. How can I install the custom code to activate the read more tag in the word press editor without having to install a new child theme?

Ok I was able to get this new child theme to work for me, I just had to re-upload my background image and header image again for some reason. Otherwise working great and read-more button is back, so my question is resolved. Thanks!

@engineeringemily You are always welcome here :slight_smile: