Need to close mobile menu on click for anchor links

I have a site that uses anchor links to scroll to different sections of the home page (I am using Easy Smooth Scroll Links plugin). On smaller screens, like my phone, I need the menu to close when clicked - when it stays open it hides the content of the anchor link. I have tried adding this snippet to the footer- it works on other bootstrap sites, but not with Shapely.

$(document).on('click','',function(e) {
if( $('a') && ( $('class') != 'dropdown-toggle' ) ) 

I really need to make this happen- any help is greatly appreciated. my staging site is

hi @tmgdesigns,

This falls out from the free support and more in to custom development.

Thank you,


Thanks for the response, but I’m really sorry you feel that way and I beg to disagree. Shapely specifically lists itself as a one page theme, and it would be a terrific choice for that except for this bug. It seems to me that it’s a much more universal issue than just something custom for my site. Every user who tries to use Shapely for a one page site will have this same problem- having your menu block your content on a mobile device is big problem. Unfortunately, Since Shapely specifically advertises itself as a one-pager, I made the assumption that basic issues like this would be dealt with and I am now too far into my site build to change themes without a huge hassle. I will have to try and figure this out somehow and would have really appreciated your help.

If you truly have only one page and all of your menu links start with #, the mobile menu will close on click, but if you have a one page style homepage and use separate pages for your portfolio or blog or individual items, you will have to make your links absolute ( http://mysite#about instead of just #about) so your menu will work from the inner pages as well. When you do this, the mobile menu will no longer close when clicked.

I think I finally figured out a solution. First, make sure you are working with a child theme.
Add the following code (from the WP Codex) to your functions.php file- this will add a class directly to the a element in the primary Wordpress menu only:

function add_specific_menu_location_atts( $atts, $item, $args ) {
    // check if the item is in the primary menu
    if( $args->theme_location == 'primary' ) {
      // add the desired attributes:
      $atts['class'] = 'menu-link-class';
    return $atts;
add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', 'add_specific_menu_location_atts', 10, 3 );  

Then add the following code to your footer.php file:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
 $('.menu li a').click(function() {
        if ($(this).hasClass('menu-link-class')){

You can change ‘menu-link-class’ to whatever you want - just make sure it is the same in both bits of code.
The menu will now close when clicked in a mobile device.

Hi @tmgdesigns,

Thank you for your great contribution to this forum.

Best regards,


Bug Fix- I didn’t account for dropdown menus. I changed the footer code to:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
 $('.menu li a').click(function() {
        if ( ($(this).hasClass('menu-link-class')) && (!$(this).parent().hasClass('dropdown'))){

That seems to do the trick, though I’ve only been able to test the mobile actions on Android…