opacity in Carousel slider

When i customize my color in theme Unite i loose <h4> opacity in Carousel slider. Look it here http://tisamaya.com/
I try to customize CSS:

.carousel-caption h4 {
background: #36d7b7;
background: rgba(54, 215, 183, 0.5);

But it doesnt work.

How can i return opacity to carousel’s <h4> for my color?

You attempted to edit code directly into style.css but it would be much better to use Custom CSS field in Theme Options - Other or use Child Theme instead.

The thing is that options set in Theme Options are loaded AFTER stylesheet, so you can add anything there and it will be overwritten by Theme Options.

So make sure to add this code to Theme Options - Other - Custom CSS field instead.

.carousel-caption h4 {
    background: #36d7b7;
    background: rgba(54, 215, 183, 0.5);

Sucks that you have remove a link back to our website and still ask for extra support.

Thank you, Aigars.
About the link back to your website, i’m relly sry, you’re right. Now i returned it:

Best regards.

Thank you for adding a link back to my website! I really appreciate it :wink:

If you like, you can remove WordPress link from footer, just to make your website to look a bit cleaner.