Overwrite google font api with child theme


the theme Sparkling uses the Google Fonts API for Open Sans. I would like that my Child theme uses a local copy (on the webserver) of the Open Sans webfont.

I already tried the following font-face instructions in the style.css of the child theme:

@font-face { … 
	src: local('Open Sans'), url(opensans/OpenSans-Regular.woff2), format(…

(The same for the other formats. – ttf, eot, svg)

This does not work for Open Sans. It does with other fonts not used by the parent theme.

What can i do to overwrite the use of google fonts for the theme?


PS: Thank you very much for this nice theme!

Hi Woffle,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

To achieve this just remove the parent theme loading Google fonts by using the small plugin shared in the following reply and then use the font in your child theme from local copy.


Best Regards,

Thank you.

You are most welcome here :slight_smile: