Paging or load more option issue

I’m using dazzling theme for my website. Click here to view my website.
I tried few of plugins to implement paging to avoid infinite scrolling on my home page. But the shortcode they provided is not working for my website.
Is there any plugin to achieve without shortcode implementation?

Hi @manikandank,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I tried few of plugins to implement paging to avoid infinite scrolling on my home page.

By default the Dazzling them doesn’t have infinite scrolling on the home page so you don’t need to avoid it.

I visited your shared site and it is also not displaying infinite scrolling on the home page.

Please advise.

Kind Regards,

Thanks Movin for your reply. I just resolved the paging problem on my website. Just the reading settings only the issue. I set the “Blog pages show at most” property value to 6 by default. So paging works fine from dazzling theme itself.

Actually the next day itself i got to know this settings from forum. I just forgot to update here.

Once again Thanks Movin.

Awesome great to see you got that resolved.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Have a fantastic day!