Parallax homepage image not properly showing desktop vs mobile


The homepage image that is in inserted through the Shapely Parallax section doesn’t show the image on desktop browers. But it does load on mobile.
When searching for a fix, I came across the suggestion to add the following code:

.home .parallax-window {
background: url(;
background-size: cover;
background-position: 50% 30%;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Now the image is shown on desktop, but not on mobile…

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue for both devices?


Hey there

Please provide a link to your website, let me see it

Hi Noda,

This is the link.
The frontpage visual is working on desktop, but is not properly shown on mobile.


Hey there

not clearly understanding your question, in the inital question you posted:
“The homepage image that is in inserted through the Shapely Parallax section doesn’t show the image on desktop browers. But it does load on mobile.”

But in the previous reply:
“The frontpage visual is working on desktop, but is not properly shown on mobile.”

how come?
images are displayed normally for Desktop and for mobile for me


Thanks for your help.
Yes, initially the image doesn’t show on desktop and it works on mobile.
However, as I mentioned in the post, when I add a piece of code in css, it turns around. The image is shown on desktop but not on mobile.
I still have this issue, and attached a screenshot of what it looks like on mobile. It should show the full picture, resized to mobile. But it seems it shows a part of the image.
I’ve seen other people have this issue as well, but I couldn’t find a solution to it.


Maarten Paul