privacy policy please advise

Hi there,

I got the window in the dashboard pop up, that I should adopt my privacy policy to the page.
See attached. what should I select?

Front page,
Illdy back up settings or
sample page?

And what does it mean?
Thanks a lot for your help ;))

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:

this is a new feature in WordPress, you have to create a new page as a privacy policy, Please check this page for more details:

Colorlib Support Team

Hi there,
I hope you have a good day too!

Quite complicated this.
If I create the new page, does it means I need I page filled with privacy rules?
In the footer is just copyright text.
Its small business, my client doesn’t have special privacy policy document.
I just hope that WP makes it secure.
Would be then good to select Frontpage?

hi Irena

I cant answer on that questions because yet don’t know what i the real purpose of this feature in WordPress update, I think you have to research your question in the internet or find the answer on the link i posted :slight_smile: