Projects, team and services are all now missing


Ive used the theme for years, but recently client told me everythings missing.
I updated the theme and plugin but this didnt help.

And then I even tried to re-add things in and it doesnt work like it used to.

whats up?


Hi @chrimbo

I just verified it and it appears pretty normal for me, I can’t see any problems on the website?? is this fixed? if no, please tell me what exactly is broken :slight_smile:

All of the content we had has gone…

In the middle. review images


Images of the team etc.

The old Gallery…!


Hi @

So sorry about that, please take my appologies but based on this information and situation im unable to provide any usefull feedback , if you have chance please restore your website from the hosting backup, then lets setup a staging environment and try again, I will investigate it