Remove Empty Grey Title Box & Change Purple Default Colour on Blog Subscribe


I’ve tried to find answers to the questions below but can’t seem to make anything work, can you please help?

  1. How do I remove the grey box (what used the hold a title but used CSS to remove this) from the top of a page? Ie.: &

  2. How do I change the purple background on the blog Jetpack subscribe box?

  3. How do I change the colour of the post author from purple also?

Thanks in advance & kind regards,

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to implement the changes by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Remove grey box*/
.header-callout {
    display: none;
/*Subscribe box background color*/
.jetpack_subscription_widget form {
    background: red;
/*Post author color*/
.post-content .post-meta li a {
    color: red;

Best Regards,