Replying to comments does to appear next to the comment


please take a look at this page
How come my replies do not show up next to the comments?

thanks for any help

Hey there

@jgeorge1012 - Can you tell me more? what Io i see comments are normally displayed and i cant see anything unusual here? maybe I cant see something? can you tell me more or provide a screenshot?

Colorlib support staff

I have attached the image. I would like to see the replies I post appear next to each comment instead of all together.

Hi there

yes, i see but at this moment your comments does not have depth level, in other words they are one level comment and they are appearing normally, i understand your question, you want something like this:

in this case make sure your setting in WordPress is set properly, just go to:
→ Settings → Discussion
And there under:
→ Other comment settings
You have the point:
→ Enable threaded (nested) comments | X | levels deep

Let me know if i answered your question