Resize or Control Themes Responsive dimentions


Colorlib is the best theme developer ever!

My question comes to you for the reason to ask how to control the dimensions at which the Dazzling theme behaves when entering mobile responsive mode.

The reason why I am asking is because certain theme elements are converting to mobile responsiveness mode too early before the ideal browser dimensions have been achieved.

My main concern is that the extra CSS code that you helped me add to the Custom CSS option of the theme unfortunately is causing these footer widgets to not act responsively.

Is there anyway that I can achieve the same look, feel, aesthetics for the contact form and three footer sections at the bottom of my site, while still achieving and maintaining the same responsiveness of the theme as it was before I added the following CSS

#footer-area .footer-widget{
width: 100%;

The site url is

If you adjust the browser dimensions just a little on smaller screens, my current footer widget that was created with the following CSS is unfortunately becoming unrenderable.

Any help you are able and willing to provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Hi @vicroland,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I visited your shared site and found the footer of it is working fine in the mobile responsive mode.

Have you managed to fix it?

Please advise.

Kind Regards,