responsive problems in 2.0 version

First of all, sorry obout my english, sorry about my computing knowledge!

I have just start having problems with the screen view since I have changed to the new version 2.0; the problems appears in firefox and explorer view but not in chrome as you can see in the files I attach.
Is there any way to fix this problem?
Thank you!

Try switching between different layouts via Appearance >> Customize >> Sparkling Options >> Layout Options. Try saving left sidebar layout and then switch back to the right one. It appears that old version have been cached as we introduced a new layout settings with this update.

Thank you; it seems to work perfectly as always!

You’re very quick, happy to find this help, anyway if you consider the option of a spanish help (if you dont have, I couldm’t find) that will be great for many spanish speakers using your themes.

Thank you very much


Thank you for your suggestion! Right now we don’t have any Spanish speaking person in our team therefore can’t promise you any information in Spanish just yet.

But this is a good idea and we could work on documentations in different languages. That would help a lot with global expansion.

Thank you!