Section Widgets Not Available


I recently noticed that might website was displaying an error message and after contacting my hosting company, the site was restored with several changes. The pictures under my section areas (Projects,Team) are gone and my sidebar widgets (About, Services) are also gone. I tried to resolved the issue myself, but the options in the Illdy customerizer have also been altered and does not have sidebar widget options available in any of the tabs.

Thanks for helping.

Hey keemo,

seems you have installed the update of the theme, right? Had the same issue and after some minutes I’ve found out, the options of my projects-section is no longer available in the editor but on the widgets-settings-site. So go to Design → Widgets and perhaps this might help you.



Also please make sure that you have installed the required plugin Illdy Companion, as the widgets had been outsourced to this plugin.

Let us know if you got everything alright.


PS: Thanks @graem for the heads-up!

Thank you @graem and @Ion Rutz. Both of your suggestions have reconciled my problem.



That’s great news, I’m happy you got it right!