Shapely custom CSS

Hey guys, I used css code in the additional css form, and I got this (see the picture)

there is a way to remove the additional background color on the bottom?

Thanx to all, and thanx for this beautiful and free theme!

P.S. Shapely theme

Hey there

yes, it’s possible, just remove the code on line 7 from your screenshot

Are you joking me? o.O

Hi Zapata

No, I’m not :slight_smile:

Your question is about removing background color and it’s possible if you remove code on line 7:
background-color: #bfffff

Did I miss something? :slight_smile:

ah ok :wink:

Pobably I missed something (my english is very poor)

I don’t like the exceeding background color… sorry

Ah, that’s different thing dear :slight_smile:

Still can help you but I need url of your website

I made some changes (trasparency) but the issue still appens.

CSS code used for the parallax text:
body.home .top-parallax-section * {
background-color: rgba(150, 150, 200, 0.2);
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

P.S. with smatphone (android) all look fine, with PC (firefox and chrome) the parallax (both) text looks ugly.

Thanx in advance

hey there

This code will help you:

body.home .top-parallax-section h1 {
margin-bottom: 0px;

You guy are a good designer, a good programmer and… a good person… thanx a lot :*