Shapely "Read More" Button Text

i would like to change the text “Read More” into my blog buttons. Can you help me?

The website is

Thank you so much

Kind regards

Moises Curbelo

Hi Moises Curbelo,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

It displays like buttons on your shared site as shown in the attached screenshot.

Have you managed to achieve it?

Best Regards,

Yes, those are the buttons i was writing about.

i managed to change the colour (partially, because i’m having some troubles with the :hover part) but i would like to change the “read more” text for “Sigue leyendo” (spanish Read More text)
Can you help me with that?

Thank you so much

You can try changing it in to spanish by translating your theme as described on the following page.

Hi again Movin.
I tried using the .pot file but i didnt found the “Read More” text in there for translation.

it may be in another place? or am i doing something wrong?

Anyway that is an incredible asset for translation, thank you so much.

You can try achieving this by using the attached small plugin specially developed for you that contains some custom code.