Show multiple categories


Nice theme.

I currently have my front page set to Latest Posts, is it possible to have multiple categories displayed above each post.


Hi @wljs,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this by using the attached custom child theme of Activello theme.

Best Regards,

Thanks Movin, that works however (and sorry for being a pain) would it be possible to have the category list in one line (similar to the posts)?

Thanks again

I am not sure what you meant by similar to the posts but you can try displaying them in one line by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Activello Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

.post-inner-content li {
    float: left;
.post-inner-content h1.entry-title {
    clear: both;

Hi there, I also am looking for this solution. I installed the child theme but nothing has changed. Is there another step I need to take to get multiple categories showing above each post?


Sorry - upon further inspection, it says the child theme is broken because I need the parent “Activello - master” installed. I have the “Activello” theme installed, but can’t find anything called “Activello - master”…

@jojeba It seems your parent theme name is not Activello – master but activello theme so please use the attached modified child theme that will work with your activello parent theme.

Hi there

I have included the child theme as well, thanks for providing it!
Unfortunately categories are below each other and if add the custom CSS they are at the very left hand side. Exchanging “left” with “center” does only sort the categories not in one line anymore.


@booknapping Could you please share me your site URL where it’s displaying so that i can help you to achieve it?