Shrinking Vertical Height on Testimonials

Hi there Noda!
Do you know how I can reduce the testimonial height on my website?
If you scroll down on the homepage, you will see the testimonials. Also, how can I get the arrows on them to reappear? Thank you!

Hi :slight_smile:

You can use this code to set the maximum height of the section:

#shapely_home_testimonial-6 {
    max-height: 401px;

I see arrows are already there, what is the problem with them?

Thank you, Noda! I implemented that. Works beautifully. I would like to reduce the vertical padding above the stars since it is a large area. How can I do that? Thank you!


This code will do the trick in this case:

#shapely_home_testimonial-6 .container.align-transform {
    margin-top: -51px;

You’re awesome. Thank you, Noda!

You are always welcome :slight_smile: