Slider in all pages

I am trying to add the slider header in all pages. I modified the function travelify_headerdetails by deleting the if condition “if( is_home() || is_front_page() ) {”. Now I have the slider image in all pages but it is fixed, without transition. It seems a problem of javascript, is there some function that are only for the home page and I need to modify to have a working slider in all pages?


Slider related javaScript is also loaded only on front page to avoid unnecessary scripts for where it is not needed.

	if( ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) && "0" == $options[ 'disable_slider' ] ) {
		wp_enqueue_script( 'travelify_slider', get_template_directory_uri() . '/library/js/slider-settings.min.js', array( 'jquery_cycle' ), false, true );

This function is inside travelify/library/functions/functions.php file.

Thank you, I was just reading the post
that is about the same issue.
5 Start for this great theme!



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