Smooth Page Scroll not working after update

Don’t know has anyone suffering same which i do atm but i noticed that Shapely don’t assign that .inner-link class anymore for those links which starting with hashtag ‘#’

Those worked for me with WP 4.8 and with Shapely 1.1.2 versions but after updating for latest releases it got broken.

Thanks for replying

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Could you please provide a link to your website so that I can inspect it?

Best Regards,


You meant in your previous version, say 1.1.2?

If you add a anchor tag like this,

<a href="#">Nam semper eget</a>

it turns in to

<a class="inner-link" href="#">Nam semper eget</a>

If I am wrong, can you elaborate the question a little bit?

Let us know,
