Social media icon tooltip edit - custom title for social media icons

Hi! Loving this theme so far.
I’m trying to edit one of the social icons to become a custom download.
I took the Flickr icon, pasted my download link as the social link and edited the Genericon to show the paperclip icon as attachment.

Now I want to edit the Tooltip info from " ‘Blog’ on Flickr" into “Download here”.
Similar to this topic.

I found the piece of code responsible for the tooltip in library\structure\header-extensions.php

				foreach( $social_links as $key => $value ) {
                                                if ( !empty( $options[ $value ] ) ) {

						$travelify_socialnetworks .=
							'<li class="'.strtolower($key).'"><a href="'.esc_url( $options[ $value ] ).'" title="'.sprintf( esc_attr__( '%1$s on %2$s', 'travelify' ), get_bloginfo( 'name' ), $key ).'" target="_blank"></a></li>';

I tried adding an If statement to only edit the Flickr tooltip, but my coding skills aren’t very good.

So… How do I add a custom Tooltip?

That’s not tooltip but a regular HTML title tag.

You can add any icon manually with any URL, title, or any other parameter. Just add a new list item like this in that same travelify_socialnetworks you mentioned before. Add your list item right before closing </ul> that looks like this:

</div><!-- .social-icons -->';

Example list item would look like this:
<li class="flickr"><a href="" title="Colorlib on Flickr" target="_blank"></a></li>

Let me know if this helps.