Some doubts

Sup , firstly I have to congratulate you for the amazing free theme , great work !

Yeah … I have some questions / problems and hope you can help me .

1 . The first , is that when someone moves the mouse over the menu, it expands the tab and when she takes the mouse disappears. But if a person clicks on the menu , the background is filled with another color , but when you take the mouse off the tab does not minimize . Could you help me with this ? I wish it were :
Mouse over : Change the background color and expand the tab
Without the mouse: Back to original color and minimize the tab

2 . There a way to decrease the size of featured img ? If so where?

3 . My header is flexible , but instead of the entire page header track , just wanted to accompany the menus page .

4 . Is there any way I can align the logo with the menu in the center ?

5 . How can I align the beginning of the post with the sidebar ?

    1. Is there any way to show the statistic value in bootstrap progress bar?

Sorry for the huge list , hope you can help me ! thank you

  1. It is expected behavior. There are two option how you can use it, either by clicking or by mouse over.

  2. Currently featured images are definite via functions.php like this
    add_image_size( 'sparkling-featured', 750, 410, true );

You can change values and afterwards you will have to regenerate thumbnails. of course if you are looking for a tiny image then you will have to heavily modify HTML/CSS for it as well.

3/4. It’s doable but it takes time to implement therefore it is out of scope of free support. Default alignment is logo/siste title inline with menu items.

  1. Something is broken with your website, some custom implementations, plugins etc because this is not how it appears by default. Call for action is also covered by menu, so you have broken more than one thing there.

  2. Bootstrap progress bar shows only one number and doesn’t move at all.

If you use Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes you can add it like this

[progressbar value="75" bartype="progress-bar-primary" barstyle="progress-striped active" label="JavaScript"]