Sparkling theme on Github

I have finally decided to push Sparkling WordPress theme to Github as well.

This will allow users that are familiar with Github and Git in general to contribute by forking and creating pull request.

Here you can find Sparkling theme on Github:

If you are not familiar with Git then you can feel free to send code improvements and translations via email, contact form or post a link here on form and your contribution will reflect in upcoming updates as well. Github does make things simpler but you need to understand how it works, so it is not going to be for everyone.

Other our themes are also available on Github and you can feel free to fork, start and crete pull request if you like. Here is link to other repos: puikinsh (Aigars Silkalns) ยท GitHub

Thanks everyone for your contribution! You can see our supporters here: Our Contributors and Theme Translators - Colorlib