tag/category expand posts

On my main blog page, the posts are full length.
When I click on a category or a tag, when the generated page with specific posts appear, the posts are not full length. The posts are collapsed and I need to click on the MORE button to se the entire post. Is it possible to have the list with complete posts (as on the main page0 when clicking on a tag or category ?

Tank you a lot for your help.

You can change it inside content-extensions.php file which you can find in theme folder – library – structure. More specifically look for function called travelify_theloop_for_archive. There you will find the_excerpt which you have to replace with the_content.

Now you will get full content display option on all archive pages such as tags and categories.

Hi Aigars. Thank you for your quick answer.
After doing all the steps you have suggested, the problem still remains. :frowning:
When click-ing on a specific category or tag, the list of posts is still collapsed and I need to click on MORE to see the entire post.
BTW, the theme is awesome.

That’s not possible if you did everything correctly.

Most likely you changed the_excerpt with the_content in the wrong function inside that file, so you can try again by changing it everywhere on that file. Not the best thing to do but that way you will be sure that you are working with the right function.

Hi Aigars

Thank you again for your quick answer. Indeed, you were right. When I have changed the_excerpt with the_content in the indicated function, it worked from the beginning, but I was mixed-up and I didn’t realized. I was mixed-up, by the following behaviour: even if the posts are entirely displayed, the button “read more” is still there. Is there any possibility to remove this button too, to keep out any possible confusion ?

Thanks again for your help.