Testimonial background colour not changing

Hi, I’ve been editing the contact sheet colours via the Customise > Custom CSS and was able to edit parts of the testimonial colours using the following codes:

#testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-content{ background-color: #efd004; } #testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-content:after{ border-color: #efd004 transparent transparent; }

However when I try to change the background of the testimonial section, it doesn’t seem to change.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

This is all of the code I’m using (in case you notice any duplicates)

#blog .blog-post .blog-post-title { display: none; }

#header .bottom-header.front-page {
padding-top: 160px;
padding-bottom: 280px;
height: 700px;

#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p .wpcf7-submit {
background-color: #f1d204 !important;
color: #fff !important;
#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p .wpcf7-submit:hover{
background-color: #ff003b !important;
color: #fff !important;

#contact-us {
background-color: #33302f
#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p .wpcf7-text,
#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p textarea.wpcf7-textarea{
background-color: #5e5957 !important;
border: 1px solid #403c3b !important;
#contact-us .section-content .contact-us-box .box-left{
border-right: 3px solid #f1d204;
color: #ffffff;
#contact-us .section-content .contact-us-box .box-right span,
#contact-us .fa,
#contact-us .section-content .contact-us-box .box-right span a{
color: #ffffff;


Try using this code to change the testimonial section background color:

background: red !important;

Let me know if you got it alright.


Thank you! that worked (sorry i didn’t get back to you sooner, i just got to it)

I noticed though that on the 2nd testimonial, there is a thin yellow line where the background is showing through (see image). Is there a code I can add to remove this?

and do you have a code to edit the font colour in the testimonials?

Thanks so much in advance!

Ooh also, is there a way to add a coloured border around the testimonial photos? Thank you!


Use this to change the color text and add border to image:

#testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-content blockquote {
    color: black;
#testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-image img{
border: 10px solid red;

I can’t seem to locate the background line that you are seeying.
