Wanna fix my own colour on those yellow tabs

I found two yellow tabs one in the Jumbotron section and another far down. I’d like help on how to change the default yellow colour to a color that fits me more. help please! Humbly

Hello @dicerr,

Please provide me the website link, if possible, and I will send you some custom CSS code to change the color.


dicer.co.nf . Thats the site. Thanks in advance.


Use this CSS code to change the buttons background color:

#header .bottom-header .header-button-two{
    background: #f1d204;
#header .bottom-header .header-button-two:hover{
    background: #f1d204;

#latest-news .latest-news-button{
    background: #f1d204;
#latest-news .latest-news-button:hover{
    background: #f1d204;

First is the default state and the second is the mouse over color.


It works thank you a loads