Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in ...

Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in …/themes/shapely/archive-jetpack-portfolio.php on line 46

I’m getting this error on each images on Portfolio page when you hover over.

Here is the line 46 of archive-jetpack-portfolio.php
echo ‘<span>’ . implode( ’ / ', esc_html( $project_types ) ) . ‘</span>’;

The error is ($project_types).

If I don’t select Project Types, there is no error on Portfolio page.

By the way Home Page shows perfectly (Project Name and Project Type).

Please let me know how I can fix on Portfolio page.

Thank you!


It will be fixed in the next version, for now can you try this solution: https://colorlibsupport.com/t/portfolio-overlay-showing-warning-code/#post-88160

Let us know,


Hi laranz,

THANK YOU for your suggestion!
It worked! (^_^)


Hi @yydream,

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have any other questions in a separate thread.
