Where i can find Travelify changelog?

Hi Aigars,
I was wondering if it was possible to include the version details for the updates?

I have added Dutch translation, fixed Disqus support and tweaked header navigation. So there nothing revolutionary new in this release.

I am currently working on theme 1.4 version which will be a must have upgrade for everyone.

If you want to be 100% sure to get all the updates without loosing customization, I would suggest doing any tweaks to theme by using WordPress Child Theme.

Changelog is always available here: https://colorlib.com/travelify/wp-content/themes/travelify/readme.txt

I do use a child theme however, I do have a few customizations to the original theme ie., having the header a clickable link back to the homepage. I have to go back and change this every time. It would just be nice to see a list of changes or updates when the new version comes out. Maybe one of the updates will be changes to what I have adjusted already. That make sense?