Where to translate "Phone" and "Address" in single page contact form widget

Hi there,
I am using the single page layout including a contact section using the Contact Section Form widget.
My site language is German. While I can customize the contact form itself, it is not possible to translate/change the “Phone” and “Address” displayed left of the contact form. I tried various things, including using LocoTranslate on Contact7 Plugin and the Shapely Theme itself. Without any success. I even went into the template files, but was unable to find the files for the Contact form widget.
Could you please point me towards a solution? I’m willing to change the code, if it cannot be changed otherwise.
Thank you and best wishes


Sorry for a late response, use “Loco Translate” plugin on “Shapely Companion” plugin, because those strings are coming from the plugin.

Let us know if you have any other questions,
