Wider pages

Hi there

I need to control a couple of elements within my pages.

  1. I would like to change the colour of the page heading (and/or remove that row from every page).

  2. Width - i would like the content to occupy more fo the viewport, its very narrow at the moment.

I’ve looked through the support forums for clues, and have tried some of the fixes. Still no luck.

  1. I’d like the left ident of the page title and the content in the page to be the same

BTW my custom CSS is as below . . .

/* remove date and author from page */
.entry-meta {
display: none !important;

/Remove footer credits/ .footer .footer-credits { display: none; }

/Parallax font size/
.top-parallax-section h1 {
font-size: 75px;
line-height: 0.9em;
.top-parallax-section h3 {
font-size: 50px;
line-height: 0.9em;

/* remove white space between content and footer*/

body.page article footer.entry-footer {
display: none;
body.page #content > section.content-area {
padding-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: 0;
body.page #main article {
margin-bottom: 0;

/Reduce size of header and distance between header and page/
.page-title-section {
height: auto !important;
padding: 50px 0px;

/* Top Nav colour*/
section.content-area {
padding-top: 10px;

/banner page title color/
#header .bottom-header h1{

/body page title hover/
#blog .blog-post .blog-post-title{
color: #ffffff!important;

/Remove title/
.entry-title {
display: none;

/Colour of search icon and hamburger menu icon/
.module.widget-handle i { color: #00d3a8; }

/Remove search box from menu/

.module.widget-handle.search-widget-handle.hidden-xs.hidden-sm {
display: none;

.search-widget-handle .search {
display: none;
.toggle-search .function {
display: block !important;

blockquote {
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
font-family: Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #ffffff;
background: #f4f3f3;
border-left:5px solid #18d2a6;

blockquote::before {
content: “\201C”;
display: block;
font-size: 80px;
left: -230px;
top: -50px;
position: relative;
height: 0;

/fix menu being behind hero/
.main-navigation .menu > li ul {
z-index: 101;

/change width of pages/
#primary.full-width {
padding: 0;

I have managed to sort out page width on all BUT the blog page . . .


Could you advise please.


p.s. please ignore point 3. above.


I’ve fixed that now.


Ok, I will close this case now, Feel free to contact us again if you have other questions
