Wordpress build too many attachements resolutions

Hellow there,
Happy new year to all Colorlib users :slight_smile:

I am disturbing you second time because i found out that in my uploads folder i have 6 versions of the same Feature image uploaded.

Here is my site if needed: http://theinformant.ro/

The explain what i intend:
I use 1200x628 Facebook recommended format for shared links, that can work very well on Twitter too.
Using this resolution i create the Feature images.

As you can notice, I`ve changed the columns format (content 75% and sidebar 25%) so i can have in final a 840x455 resolution Feature image.

  1. How can i stop Wordpress making 5 different formats for each image?
  2. How can i stop Sparkling theme to make a bit of zoom in single post images? I want to see the full normal picture in feature zone.

Ty very much.

Cant edit my post, so i reply here.

Second issue resolved:
2) How can i stop Sparkling theme to make a bit of zoom in single post images? I want to see the full normal picture in feature zone.

Still looking for help in 1) problem mentioned.

Sparkling theme generates only two size featured images and you can see both sizes defined here.

Larger image is for regular featured images and small size is for thumbnails on widgets.

The rest of image sizes are generated by WordPress itself. You can see these image sizes defined under Settings - Media. These can be disabled as well by adding this code to functions.php file.

function colorlib_remove_default_image_sizes( $sizes) {
    unset( $sizes['thumbnail']);
    unset( $sizes['medium']);
    unset( $sizes['large']);

    return $sizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'colorlib_remove_default_image_sizes');

This should work via Child Theme functions.php file as well.