A few questions

Hi there

this is the WIP link of my site:


first question

  1. Menu/header size
    How do I decrease this? it’s too large. I would also like to change the size of the logo text
    Or is it possible for the menu bar to be transparent? or change the opacity?

  2. Menu text wrapping
    How do I have the text from the drop down menu wrap in the other side? so it is not cut out. please look at screen shot

  3. scroll to top button
    How can i remove this please?

  4. Search bar
    How do I hide this? right now it’s hidden you cant see it. but if i put my mouse over it, it pops up
    screenshot included


  1. For now it is small only, you can to reduce the height further? http://take.ms/wDbE8
  2. You meant, you want the submenu to be display on the left side instead of the right side? What is your screen resolution, I didn’t see the menu wrap http://take.ms/GlqRt
  3. Use this Custom CSS in Appearance -> Customize -> Custom CSS to hide that button,
.back-to-top {
    display: none;
  1. It seems you already hide the search, if not, please let us know.

Let us know,


Hi there,

thanks for replying.

  1. yes i wish to be able to adjust the height and make it smaller. is there a code i can add where i can adjust this padding please?
  2. i have a laptop with 15" screen and when i view the site, the edge of the menu bar is cut off, as shown in my screenshot. how can i have this drop down wrap to the other side?


  1. All the padding are already removed, for now the header is 55px height. That is the default height, you can reduce that using this CSS,
.nav-container {
    min-height: 40px;
.main-navigation {
    height: 40px;
.nav-bar, .site-title {
    line-height: 40px;
  1. Can you clarify? You mean when you hover over the menu the second level opens in the right side in your laptop screen and that cuts the menu? You want the submenu to be appear in the left side on the laptop screen?

Let us know,


Hi laranz,

Thanks for that. when I used that code for the menu bar, it didnt work when the screen was minimised. The second half of the text logo went off the white header and side menu had no background.

I was thinking - is there any chance i can eliminate the header entirely (making it transparent) and then making the header text in bold, so its readable? thanks

  1. and yes - i would like the sub menu to appear on the left hand side please.


  1. Use this Custom CSS instead the old one, so that the CSS affects only the desktop and not the mobile devices,
@media only screen 
  and (max-width: 1024px) {
.nav-container {
    min-height: 40px;
.main-navigation {
    height: 40px;
.nav-bar, .site-title {
    line-height: 40px;

Making transparent is not possible.

  1. Use this CSS,
.main-navigation .menu > li > ul > li ul {
    left: -100% !important;

Let us know,
