A wider footer

Hello Aigars,

Is it possible to make the footer a bit wider so more information can be placed?

Thank you!

Which part of the footer you want to make wider, please post some screenshot or something. There are just too many elements in footer to guess which one is the one you are talking about.

See below:


Inside footer you will see code that looks similar to this one. Just replace that part with code give below and you will get more space for content in footer. Of course it will reduce space for menu on the left side.

<nav role="navigation" class="col-md-3">
	<?php unite_footer_links(); ?>

<div class="copyright col-md-9">
	<?php do_action( 'unite_credits' ); ?>
	<?php echo of_get_option( 'custom_footer_text', 'unite' ); ?>
	<?php do_action( 'unite_footer' ); ?>

It works, thanks! :slight_smile: