Activello Mobile Menu Not Working

Hello all,
My website is and I have tried this clean solution (SOLUTION for MOBILE MENU NOT WORKING) but it didnt quite work out for me.

I have two problems;
1- First of all, even though this solves my problem on mobile phones, it makes my menu quickly disappear on computers; since when the window size is small, the menu transforms into the mobile menu format.
2- Maybe this is a separate issue but when I adjust my window to a smaller size, my drop down menu stops appearing when I hover and doesn’t show at all

Can someone help me please :slight_smile:

Also Here thiagogabriel fixed his website but I didnt understand how. []

As I mentioned above I did the bootstrap.min.js part and changed the line he mentions below but the menu still disappears after a second on the computer :frowning:

Hi there

Is this link working? Screenshot by Lightshot can you please check it?

Hi, it works for me. Can you check again?