Add GET parameter to image URL

i am using the Adaptive Images for Wordpress Plugin with shapely on the following website:
The problem is, that the plugin also downscales the background image used in shapely, which makes it look very blurry on small devices (mobile phones). I made a topic about this issue (link here), and the recommended solution is to add the GET parameter “?debug=original” to the image URL of the background image i use, like this:



Now i can’t find any way to do this in shapely, since the Images are directly used from the media upload tool in wordpress. Is there any way to change the URL ? Can i do it directly on the server or in shapely? Thanks for your help, Dan

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:
Dan, sorry but from the theme, there is nothing you can change, there is no option to disable functionality or the plugin or add new parameters to images without customization


I hope you are doing well today.

This can be done in the back end but you would need to customize the theme further. You would need to enlist the aid of a third party developer, one of which you can find here:

Best Regards,