Anchor link in the same page doesn't work

Hello all,

I start set up my site in “coming soon mode”. I have a problem with a single anchor link in my menù.
The link in the menu “contattaci” should lead to the contact section at the bottom of the home page, but it doesn’t work.

I tried to change the section ID but it still doesn’t work

The link only works if I am on a page other than the home page.

Can you help me?

If there is an administrator I can provide temporary credentials to enter the site

Hi there

Do you set your website under coming soon because of that?
May I take a look? please provide URL of the website


Hi there

Sorry about that, this problem is already reported:

Found the problem: wp-content/themes/illdy/layout/js/script.js
function smoothScrollAnchors()

$('#sticky-wrapper' ).outerHeight( true )

returns undefined value.
Changed it to this:

($('#sticky-wrapper' ).outerHeight( true ) || 0)

Not tested with sticky wrappers… but scrolling works for me again.

It works.

Happy to know you resolved it :slight_smile: