Background images from the 'Latest News' and 'Full Width' are not responsive


The images that I put in the bottom in these two sections (and the one in mind) do not fit on the phone. They are very zoomed while the others adapt well. It’s the same thing when I disable the ‘Scroll with Page’.
I tried several image sizes and it’s still the same thing.

What can I do ?

thank you,

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question
In order to check your question i need to see your live website, please provide url and i will take a look
also, please include screenshot from the mobile


Thank you for your response and your responsiveness!

Here is the URL:

For the first image (the polar bear) it’s cut off. The two following images are well resized. The image of the team is cut off (I disabled the screen roll with page to see the difference). and the last is super zoomed (the screen roll is activated).

I have two more questions (sorry :slight_smile: )

  • The menu works well and takes you to the right zone when you click on it. But if I’m on another page (‘Fiches pratiques’ on ‘Infos et conseils’) we can only click on the homepage. Is it possible to deviate that?
  • In the description of the team, is it possible to put the two men in the middle and not aligned left?

and one last:
I have photo quality issues for some. The images are the right size but seems a bit pixelated, I tried many possibilities but I can’t solve the problem.
Like the logo that I expanded but that I can’t put in good quality despite a base HD.

Thank you very much, I am very grateful for your help!


what do you think ?

hey there

  1. first try to change settings for background image size, don’t use background-size to auto, try to use cover, and if even this does not worked then please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS
#header.header-front-page {
    background-size: cover;

Colorlib Support Team


thank you very much for your response.
I tried everything but the images still do not adapt according to the support.
What can I do ?

Thanks for your help

hi Berenice (Love this name!)

can i see your problem live? please provide url and i will check it

Thanks !

It’s :

There are just the first two images on the page that fit well to different media (photo cabinet + pink bear).

Hi Berenike

let me try this please use this plugin to create temporary access for us, its automatic login link and does not requires sharing your admin details. here is How To guide. at the and don’t forget about  “Set as private reply” at the bottom of the message box  

Thanks a lot.

This is the temporary link :

with this email : [email protected]

Hi Bere

please check again, i think jumbotron section with background image is now fixed :slight_smile:


I’m really sorry but it still does not work …


Please clear cache and try again,
can you show me what you see? this is what i see:

The images on the computer are in the right format, everything is perfect.
But it’s when I’m on my phone that the pictures are no longer in the right format.

3 images are zoomed when I’m on my phone:

  • jumbotron
  • Latest News Section
  • Full Width Section

Is there a way to fix that?

thank you very much

Hi Bere

mm, no, its not zoomed, basically this is normal, when you use an image with the character on its not always good practice because screens for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices are different and its not possible to perfectly fit them in every device, for example, desktop devices are wider when mobile devices are vertical, its recommended to use background images without character if you want perfect results, but in this case this is kind of not possible :frowning: you have to change approach to images or apply as is

Ho agree. It’s strange because the other images are at the right size.
(image of the counter section and Testimonials Section).

testimonial section does not have background image and i cant see the counter section on your website :frowning:

Sorry but I’m still trying to solve my problem. I tried with several plugin but it does not work.
Do you think that if I change the code it could work?
Thank you

Hi @bere

Sorry, but have you seen my previous reply? :frowning: