Bad picture quality in "News Section"

Hello there

Like many others here, I have the problem of blurry images in the news section on the Illdy Frontpage.
Topics: /

The problem is, that the theme takes the 250x213 thumbnail pictures and upscales them to 345x213 on a lot of screens. This way, the image can’t be in good quality. You can see for yourself on

Of course, I tried the fix with your custom plugin ( an the force regenerate thumbnail plugin. That did unfortunately not help as well.

Can you please tell me which files to edit, so that it takes a different image size for the news section images?

I’m pretty sure it’s a bug on ALL installations of Illdy.

Kind regards and thanks


Okay everyone with the same problem, here’s the solution:

Please make a backup first…

Connect to your server via an ftp, go to wp-content/themes/illdy and open functions.php

Search for the line with: add_image_size( ‘illdy-front-page-latest-news’, 250, 213, true );

Change to: add_image_size( ‘illdy-front-page-latest-news’, 345, 213, true );

Go to your wordpress, force regenerate your thumbnails with the plugin. Now the picture under the news section should be in better / acceptable quality.

If it still looks a bit blurry, you could use EWWW Image Optimizer plugin and/or change the functions.php to:

	add_image_size( 'illdy-front-page-latest-news', <strong>690, 426</strong>, true );

It’s definitively not the cleanest solution and you will not get A-score on some page speed tests, but at least the website looks a lot better.

Maybe one of the staff could update Illdy plugin and/or write to all the closed topics the solution.

Hi there

Julian, look like you already make changes in the function,php file, make sure you are using child theme for this modification