How can I replace the general blog header image with the individual blog post images I upload?
Hi there
Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question
Sorry for asking but can you show me an example? print screen and URLs’ to the example pages would be great
Colorlib Support Team
Hi Noda,
Thanks for getting back to me. When clicking on each individual blog post, I would like to delete the image in the red circle with my blog post images (eg circled in blue). My website www.jessicabeltonmarketing.com is currently in construction mode so may not be able to view the URL.
hey there
Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS
header#header {
position: relative;
background: black;
background-image: none !important;
Colorlib Support Team
Hi Noda,
Unfortunately, this just blacked out the image at the top of the page not replace it with the feature image. It also changed the main blog page to black. On that page, I would rather keep the original feature image. Have you any other ideas on this?
Hello there,
I tried to view the link provided but there is another theme being used so I cannot see the issue to troubleshoot it. Could you please reactivate the Illdy theme?
Best Regards,
My page is currently in construction mode and I am unable to take it off this until the issues are fixed, unfortunately. I have added an image of the issue to my previous message. Is there any way to figure out how to fix it from the image?
Hi @jessica88
Dear jessica88 we can see the image but it’s not enough to may any conclusion we need to touch live website to generate custom CSS, to see how things are setup etc,
You can create temporary access for us and after checking this problem you can delete it
Hi Noda,
My site is now live for you to take a look at it. Thanks very much
Hello there,
The url provided is still not using the Illdy theme, however as it stands the theme does not have the option to use the featured image of a post as the header image.
Best Regards,
Hello there,
The url provided is still not using the Illdy theme, however as it stands the theme does not have the option to use the featured image of a post as the header image.
Best Regards,
Has this issue been solved? I’d like to put the featured image has header image of my blog posts and i can’t find a way to do so…
The css code provided above does not work on my site.
Thanks a lot in advance !
Hi there
@camdif please share url of the page and let me know what exactly you want to change and how, I will try to create a new custom CSS if this is possible.
Hi, thanks for your answer !
Here is one article, for example: Survol de cigognes blanches – COWB
I’d like that the image I put in the section “featured image” for each article appears in the header of the article instead of the green color or a general image.
Thanks a lot,
Hi Camille.
I regret to inform you that the desired option is not available and cannot be achieved solely through custom CSS. Extensive modifications are necessary to implement such changes.
However, I can assist you in setting a single background image for all your posts if that is what you require.